TBL workshop – June 3, 2016

Teaching Professor pre-conference workshop notes


Thanks for coming to today’s workshop!RAP_Process

A quick recap of the workshop.

  • Started with some stories about teachers finding joy in their teaching by using TBL
  • Then I defined TBL as a form of flipped classroom that provides specific protocols and frameworks that overcome some of the common issues with the flipped classroom – how do I REALLY get students to come to class prepared and how do I structure problem solving tasks when I am a scarce resource and can’t make it around to every student…the answer is TBL’s Readiness Assurance Process and TBL’s 4S team tasks
  • We formed diverse teams by simply forming a line based on a simple survey and counting off. It quickly made teams with a diversity of perspectives on how well people think teams and groups work.
  • Next, we looked a Readiness Assurance Process, where we completed a simple reading (TBL handout)…then had an individual test based on readings (Individual Readiness Assurance Test = iRAT) followed by a team version of the same test (Team Readiness Assurance Test = tRAT) using those nifty scratch cards, we finished the Readiness Assurance Process by talking about the Appeals Process and the Mini-lecture/instructor clarification that closes out the RAP process. Here we taking  initial individual student preparation and turn it into true team readiness to begin using the course content to solve significant, authentic problems.
  • Then we completed a series of 4S Team Application Tasks…using the voting cards…talking about facilitating tactic, what make a question a good question to generate discussion (remember the Jury analogue).
  • We finished with discussion about grade weights, peer evaluation, getting your first day right, student resistance, and giving yourself the gift of time to prepare well.

Here are some pointers to follow-up resources for TBL

Ordering Scratch Cards

People were interested in where to get the scratch cards.

4S FrameworkOverview of TBL

Here is a more general overview of TBL

Step by Step Instructions

When you get building the step-by-step section will walk you through all the tasks to get you and your course ready.

Getting connected to TBL community

You should join the free TBL list serv. There are over 1000 TBL teachers from around the world on the list serv. People’s first post is often…“I am new and I teach X….Does anyone have resources or advice”.

Take a 2 week online course to Design your First TBL module

There is an intense, short fully online two week course that help you build your first TBL module. A series of worksheets with feedback from a course coach gets you on your way. This is suitable for any subject area – you build a module for your particular context and course.

Buy the TBL book

You can buy my TBL book online from Stylus publishing. Use code GSTBL and get 20% off.

Some Important Books to Read

Here is a page with some suggested reading and books.

My favourite TBL article is Roberson and Franchini’s Effective Task Design article

One of my favourite books is Stanfield’s Art of Focused Conversation.

Don’t believe that multiple choice questions are effective…check out

Workshop Materials

All the materials from today’s workshop are available here. They are free to use, reuse, and misuse…some attribution might be nice 🙂

Great First Day Activity

Here is the Gary Smith Article I mentioned and my take on it…Makes a great first day activity when you are introducing TBL.

Some works in Progress

I have been writing a document that is a Roadmap for developing a TBL module and another that is How to turn a Learning Outcome into a TBL activity. These are both in the draft stage, but might be helpful to get you started.

Good Luck!

Jim Sibley
