For Tom
Everything is free for educational use…no strings attached
Morning: TBL 101 Workshop (3 hours)
- TBL handout 2014 lettersize (2 double sided pages)
- Team formation questionaire (adapted from Michaelsen)
- 10 Questions Readiness Assurance Test (based on above “TBL handout 2014 lettersize”)
- Application activities (adapted from Michaelsen)
- Appeals form
.. - Generic PowerPoint slide deck (I don’t use PPT, but some people do)
If you want to see these matetrials in use….here is a 3 hour workshop video…using these exact materials
Afternoon: Developing Team Activities Workshop (3 hours)
- Pre-reading: Roberson, B., & Franchini, B. (2014). Effective task design for the TBL classroom. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3&4), 275-302.
First Hour (do another TBL cycle)
- Learning Theory reading
- Learning Theory RAP and Applications (IF-AT key D006)
- Learning Theory RAP questions key
Last 2 hours