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“The listserv for TBL is great. People jump in and it’s a real community. It’s really unusual to find a listserv where people give of themselves so freely. I think on the TBL listserv, people really put a lot of time and love into their postings. And they really authentically want people to do well in TBL, and to be successful. On the TBL listserv, I know that if a question goes up, it’s not going to take very long for somebody to come back and throw in an answer. I think it’s a wonderful way for people to keep in touch, especially if you’re teaching at a school and you don’t have somebody else using TBL, and you kind of feel like you’re on your own. This really keeps you plugged in to the community and keeps you motivated to keep learning and thinking and trying out things, taking chances.”
David Raeker-Jordan
Law-Widener University