Uruguay 2016
These two days of workshops will focus on the critical first step of Integrated Course Design cycle – getting your intentions and objectives clear for ourselves and our students. Clear objectives drive all important course design decisions and leads to a course that effectively delivers the learning! How methodically we build and design our courses has a huge impact on student learning, It lets us design assessment strategies that foster important student outcomes, show us all that the students have learned (makes learning observable and measurable), and gives us important data to share with our accreditors.
The first day will focus on Aims, Outcomes, and Competencies.
The second day will highlight 3 difficult competencies that faculty often express concern about when “needing” to prove their students are competent after their completion of their studies. These “difficult” competencies are life-long learning, team work, and critical thinking. The afternoon will finsih with a focus on effective task design.
Table teams of 4 will be used. Each table will contain 2 dyads. Each dyad will be created to have one strong english speaker.
Need two projectors and two computers, one in English and one in Spanish will be used (slide numbering will be preserved to allow for easier synchronization).
Need flipchart paper, markers and tape.
Facilitator will provide voting cards and IF-AT cards for TBL activities.
Spanish Agenda for both Days
Background Documents
Declan Kennedy LO Handbook – A Learning Outcomes Book D Kennedy
University Competencies – Spanish –Rediseño Curricular orientado a las competencias – junio 2012
Day One (February 23, 2016)
Title: Aims, Outcomes, and Competencies
The aim of this workshop is to foster an appreciation of the benefits of using aims and outcomes/objectives to help design more powerful instruction, to develop skills in writing them, and learn how to relate specific outcomes/objectives to program level competencies.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Construct effective course/module Aim statements
- Create well formed Learning Outcomes/Objectives that conform to the ABCD model criteria
- Relate LO to specific program competencies and align assessment strategies to make appropriate student learning observable and measurable
Participants MUST bring their:
- syllabi or course outlines
- tests and exams
- assignments
- rubrics
- other assessment materials
- accreditation standards. if applicable
You will need all of these to get the most out of the worksheet activities. For activities in the afternoon, if you have a set of accreditation standards for your discipline, bring them. If you don’t have these, you will be able to use the provided generic competency list.
- Lesson Plans – Uruguay_lesson_plan_day1_pm_v0.2 Uruguay_lesson_plan_day1_am_v0.2 (will NOT require translation)
- Session PowerPoint – Uruguay2016_day1_v0.7
- Worksheet 1 – Aims and LO’s
- Worksheet 2- Learning about Bloom’s
- Supporting Handout for Worksheet – Bloom’s 3 domains verbs for Objectives
- Supporting Handout for Worksheet – Bloom’s Cognitive Domain – levels and verbs
- Supporting Handout for Worksheet – Examples of Learning Outcomes/Objectives
- My development writing for Session – Aims, Outcomes, and Competencies (will NOT require translation)
Day Two (February 24, 2016)
Title: Difficult Competencies- Life-Long Learning, Teamwork, and Critical Thinking
The aim of this workshop is to help participants towards being able to assess students life-long learning skills, to raise awareness of the effect of task design on quality of student teamwork, and develop skills necessary to design tasks for teams that naturally foster critical thinking
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Design tasks and assessment strategies to create student learning opportunities to develop these competencies
- Design assessment strategies to make resulting student learning observable and measurable in these competency domains
Lesson Plan – Uruguay_lesson_plan_day2_am_v0.3 Uruguay_lesson_plan_day2_pm_v0.3 (will NOT require translation)
- Session PowerPoint – Uruguay2016_day2_v0.7
- Metacognition Survey – MetaCog_Inventory
- TBL Module Reading – TBL module pre-reading – Effective Task Design for the TBL classroom article
- TBL Module RAP and Application Activities – Great_team_tasks_module_v0.6
- ORID handout – Uruguay2016_orid_handout_v0.1
- Great Team Task handout – AnnotatedConcreteTeamTask_v0.3
- My development writing for Session – Uruguay2016_life-long-learning_teamwork_critical-thinking_v0.9 (will NOT require translation)